No time? Try grab-and-go self care
Introducing the wellness box for self-care at moment’s notice
The steaming cup of tea in hand and a quiet afternoon stretching before me, I settle down to start my long sought after self-care time. This is what I longed for to help the stress melt away. This was a dream. This ideal vision was so far from the constraints of what my life allowed me for my self-care with two young children.
However, my stress was real. In response I adapted like we all do. Like so many others, the challenge for me was finding enough time for any self-care.
Spectacles at the ready
The evolution of your wellness box, with items you like to have on hand, could be its own mini self-study.
Enter my solution: the grab-and-go wellness box. I packed a box with my favorite pens, my prose journal, my creative journal, a couple of blank notecards and a houseplant-themed inspirational quote card set. At a moment’s notice I was now able to grab my wellness box and make the most of a few precious minutes.
In the course of the first months when I started using my wellness box, suddenly I would get that overdue card written to my friend with a new baby on the way while the pasta water was coming to a boil. And invariably when I was interrupted, everything was scooped into the box and tucked out of reach of sticky little toddler hands.
While it doesn’t have the daily ritual and habit around it that so often one hopes that self care might come with–the form and functionality of the wellness box is hard to beat.
In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to neglect our own needs. We're constantly bombarded with demands from work, family, unspoken expectations, and the stress of trying to do it all. It can be hard to find time for ourselves, let alone time to relax and recharge. But self-care is essential for our well-being. It helps us to reduce stress, improve our mood, and boost our energy levels.
There are many different ways to practice self-care. Some people find that it helps to spend time in nature, while others prefer to relax with a good book or a hot bath. There is no right or wrong way to do self-care.
And for this moment of my life I don’t often get long uninterrupted stretches of time, and so my self-care has to be more of the grab-and-go variety, and I can be okay with that for now. And it is less frustrating with a wellness box on hand that supports a style of self-care that I am able to enjoy.