Pantry snack hack saves time and keeps it fresh
Keep things tidy and have confidence there isn’t another open bag of chips you’ve missed
While I envy the looks of those stunning walk-in pantries with the food decanted into labeled bins, that isn’t the pantry my house has. And in fact, I love our compact and efficient double-door pantry cabinet.
My only complaint is that higher up shelves are too deep, and I have lost many items to those unreachable depths. That was until I stumbled upon a great repurpose of a clear bin that I had previously been using in another closet.
The hero of my pantry:
The Brightroom 12”x12”x8” All Purpose Storage Bin available at Target.
I broke my previous rules of keeping the open chips next to the new bag (the logic being if you wanted chips you would see both bags and responsibly go for the open bag first). I now corral all open snack bags together into this one bin.
It is great. If you want a snack, you check out the bin to see what is open and ready for munchin’. It also makes filling bento box lunches a breeze in the morning because I have at my fingertips an assortment of tasty tidbits to round out the meal.
I intentionally now keep the unopened snacks in the unreachable zone behind the bin and only climb on a stool to reach my stockpile when it is time to open a new bag. This bin of open snacks is working like a breeze to keep the pantry tidy and helps open snacks be consumed first.